Thursday, October 23, 2014

Angelology review

Angelology: A Novel (Angelology Series)

Skip this novel. There are better stories of this ilk out there. Every once in a while, I come across a book that leaves me so underwhelmed, I question how it was ever published. Disregard the tired plot device of ancient lost artifacts, the lengthy speeches, or the nearly hollow protagonists that are inexplicably drawn to love one another, the prose has moments of beauty. In the middle of the book, where point of view completely switches from the main character to another, the drama is ratcheted up a bit and held my attention. I honestly couldn't put the book down then. Unfortunately as the book winds to a close, a confluence of events that simply had to happen for the story not to collapse under its own pressure really took me out of the fiction. I skipped to the end, feeling rather cheated at the "twist" that clearly sets up for a sequel I probably won't read.

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