Thursday, October 23, 2014

Joyland by Stephen King (Review)

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Joyland by Stephen King

I recall reading at a young age the opening pages of Carrie and falling in love. King captured the horror of torment, pain, and growing up in such a way I was lead as if by religious zeal to devour more of his works. King for me is exactly the kind of writing I'd like to achieve. An every-man style that captures the essence of human emotions with such closeness, it is almost intimate and tender. Go light your candles before it gets real dark, kind of intimate.

Enter the next novel of my collection of King's works: Joyland. It has been quite a while since I've been this spellbound by a book. King does it again with simple prose, concise story, and heartfelt characters. I couldn't put the book down. I was thrilled forward to the next page pulled into the mystery and journey. Well done.

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